As we sure you will understand, we take very seriously our responsibilities with regards under-age students.
As our students come from all over the world and cultural customs and national laws relating to this issue differ, we have had to take a decision on how to define “under-age”.
As the safety and wellbeing of ourstudents has to be the predominant factor in this decision we have decided to define it as someone under 18 years old. This also happens to be a requirement of EAQUALS (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services) of which we are a member.
We fully understand that in many countries the limit is placed at 16 years and we hope that you, as a parent, will understand our reasons for this decision.
As a result we ask you and your son/daughter to sign the permission statement below to enable him/her to participate in the programme organised by us. In order that we can locate your son/daughter at any time, we require that he/she has with them a working mobile phone. Please list the number below.
If you would like to clarify any aspect of this declaration or of our programme please do not hesitate to contact either the agent making the booking with us or any of the reservation staff in the school.
Many thanks for your understanding and assistance in this matter.
Conditions relating to under 18 year-old students
In addition to the following rules and conditions, please note the following relating to 15 year olds:
• Accommodation can only be in host families and should be on a full-board basis
• You may wish to book an “Enhanced” Airport Transfer
1. Going out at the night
In the South of Spain people of all ages tend to go out much later at night than is the norm in some other countries. Consider this, we ask to our students not to abuse this lifestyle and we have a recommended home-time (curfew) in our different accommodation options:
- Curfew 15-17 years: home-time: 00.00 “weekdays”, 01.00 on Friday and Saturday
Please, note that we cannot, of course, physically enforce these rules and they are intended only as guidelines. However, abuse of them may result in disciplinary action being taken, in serious cases, can result in a student being asked to leave the school with no right to any refund
2. Alcoholic drinks and tobacco
Consumption of alcohol or tobacco by students under 18 is prohibited in Spain. Smoking is also totally forbidden anywhere in the school grounds for any age.
We draw the students’ attention to the fact that the Spanish police take a tough line with regards the possession and consumption of illegal drugs.
3. Attendance and the academic rules
In order to alow a class to progress at the same rate and to maintain the cohesion, harmony and dynamic of the class group, we ask that all students follow certain rules:
- Students must attend all their lessons
- Students must be punctual
- Each day’s homework must be completed before the beginning of lessons
Failure to fulfil these requirements may result in a student being placed in a lower class, not receiving a certificate of attendance and, in extreme cases, the school reserves the right to ask the student to leave without right to a refund of fees.
4. Insurance
We recommend that our students should consider taking out travel insurance which should cover them for cancellation, personal belongings and medical care.
We can offer a comprehensive insurance package, if you are interested, please ask us for the full details.