Teaching Spanish
since 1971

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First Spanish school
Superstar Award
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The full-day excursions on the weekends are an added value to your Spanish courses at Malaca Instituto.

The prices include a Malaca Instituto teacher/monitor, local guides, transport and entrance tickets. You will definitely be paying less than if you decide organising this on your own!

If you want to sign up for an excursion, once here, just pop into our activities department and speak with our activities staff. During our excursions you will discover places of interest which are at no more than 3 hours driving distance from Malaga.

All are important cities or charming white-washed towns of Andalusia, a unique and diverse region in the South of Spain. A region where, at times, you can go skiing in the mountains and then go for a swim in the Mediterranean Sea, all on the same day! This, thanks to our diverse ecosystem and the relatively short travel distances.

Come along and enjoy the beauties of our region at surprisingly reasonable costs!.
Andalusian cities and towns are full of history, culture and tradition. Our heritage not only counts on an extensive list of museums, monuments, Roman ruins, Moorish castles, small white-washed villages and cosmopolitan cities but also on more than 320 days of sunshine, beaches, mountains, small wineries and mouth-watering gastronomy.

Andalusia is also home of Flamenco, named an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO and, for over 200 years, it’s mastery and art has been an intrinsic part of our culture and way-of-life. With us you will be in the right place to feel the raw passion and the pure emotion of a real flamenco show.

With Malaca Instituto you’ll discover vibrant and fascinating cities, such as:
Sevilla, a city with character and beauty, where you’ll fall in love with the orange tree-lined streets, the array of tapas bars and its breath taking historic centre. +
Granada, and it’s incredible must-visit to the Alhambra palace, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Córdoba, with the Guadalquivir River running through the city, it’s splendid mosque and flower–filled patios, a glorious riot of colour and charm.
Ronda, where Hemingway, Rilke and Orson Welles spent periods of their lives, Ronda is a diamond in the already spectacular Spanish countryside and is considered as one of the most scenic small towns of in-land Andalusia.
• Antequera, Cádiz, Gibraltar...

Video Sevilla

Video Granada

Video Córdoba

Video Ronda

Video Antequera

All highlights of Andalusia, highlights of our passion and of our love for life. Join us on our excursions and we’ll make sure that everything is made possible to make your stay with us a most memorable experience!


Málaga is a labyrinth of magical places. Discover all of them with Malaca Instituto. Step out of typical tourist tracks and traps and come and explore Malaga with us!

The “Costa del Sol”; everyone loves to soak in vitamin D and sip exotic cocktails on its beach shores but we know it’s much more than just that!

Be part of the full experience and discover our province, it’s charming villages with their cobbled stoned streets, its churches and chapels, its narrow whitewashed streets full of flowers.

You will find all of this in our half day excursions to Mijas (a white village of Moorish origin) or Frigiliana (a charming village with terraced vegetable patches descending towards the sea) or you will discover the beautiful Mediterranean landscape in places like Marbella or Nerja with the famous caves from the Palaeolithic period.

Video Mijas

Video Nerja

Video Marbella

We’ll show you all the unique sites which form an integral part of our genuine and authentic culture with our special excursions like the gastronomic Olive Oil Tour, where you will see olive trees dot the land as far as your eyes can see, or cheese and wine tour.

So, if you are ready to experience authenticity away from tourist routes, join us for these special trips.

You will find all of these excursions in our general programme or in our specific programmes.

To see more about our excursions, on Pinterest, click on any picture or visit our Gallery below.

General Activities Programme

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Excursions Gallery

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Visitamos esta monumental ciudad llena de iglesias, conventos, casas solariegas y palacios. Antequera ha sido siempre una encrucijada de culturas, un lugar que ha sido habitado desde tiempos inmemoriales, como lo demuestran sus dólmenes que datan desde el 2500 antes de Cristo. Además realizaremos una visita al más destacado de todos los atractivos que la naturaleza ha dado a Antequera que es El Torcal, unas inmensas formaciones rocosas moldeadas por la erosión que ha creado un paisaje espectacular.


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One of the leading Spanish schools. Our mini-campus complex provides our students with an extensive range of facilities. Photo: Leo Peralta https://leoperaltalp.blogspot.com/


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Excursión "Ruta del aceite", una experiencia única lejos de las rutas turísticas. Visitaremos un pueblo blanco malagueño, rodeado de un paisaje de olivos, que aún refleja su pasado árabe en sus casas y en la estructura de sus calles empinadas. Iremos a una fábrica donde conoceremos el proceso de fabricación del aceite de oliva. Después disfrutaremos de una estupenda comida tradicional.


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En el Jardín Botánico Histórico de Málaca con un grupo de mnuestros estudiantes.


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Ronda, donde Hemingway, Rilke y Orson Welles pasaron períodos de sus vidas. Ronda, una verdadera joya, considerada como una de las ciudades más pintorescas del interior de Andalucía.


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Excursión a Ronda Foto via @vivwecostadelsol


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Teaching Spanish since 1971. A leading School of Spanish with exceptionally high standards.


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Teaching Spanish since 1971. A leading School of Spanish with exceptionally high standards.


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Teaching Spanish since 1971. A leading School of Spanish with exceptionally high standards.


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Teaching Spanish since 1971. A leading School of Spanish with exceptionally high standards.


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Teaching Spanish since 1971. A leading School of Spanish with exceptionally high standards.


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Teaching Spanish since 1971. A leading School of Spanish with exceptionally high standards.


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Teaching Spanish since 1971. A leading School of Spanish with exceptionally high standards.


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Teaching Spanish since 1971. A leading School of Spanish with exceptionally high standards.


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El Museo Revello de Toro es una pinacoteca de Málaga. Está situado en el centro histórico de la ciudad, en la que fue la vivienda de Pedro de Mena. Como su nombre indica, el museo está dedicado al pintor malagueño Félix Revello de Toro.


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Teaching Spanish since 1971. A leading School of Spanish with exceptionally high standards.


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Una ciudad que nunca te dejará indiferente y que puedes visitar con nosotros


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¿Os veremos de nuevo el lunes?


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Paseo por las calles de Sevilla


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Una de las muchas excursiónes


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Además de poder ir tú mismo en autobús, la escuela ofrece una bonita excursión para visitar estas hermosas ciudades.


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Nos encanta hacer que nuestros estudiantes descubran la cultura española, especialmente gracias a la gastronomía típica: las tapas.


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El Centre Pompidou de Málaga es la primera sede del Centre Pompidou París en el exterior. Situado en el centro, se nota gracias a su edificio icónico “El Cubo”.


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Mijas, el bonito pueblo de la provincia de Málaga, que nunca te cansarás de visitar


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Excursión a Tarifa, ese paraíso del surf y el punto de Europa más cercano al continente africano


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El famosísimo puente de Triana, uno de los barrios más populares de Sevilla, excursión que enamora a nuestros alumnos. Una ciudad llena de luz y de "duende"


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Una de las maravillosas ciudades de Andalucía, llena de belleza, embrujo y encanto


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Una de las ciudades malagueñas que más sorprende a nuestros estudiantes por su monumentalidad. Un lugar lleno de sorprendentes rincones


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Porque Sevilla no es solo una ciudad monumental sino también una ciudad con impresionantes obras de ingeniería (Puente de Triana). Una de la excursiones favoritas de nuestros estudiantes


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Por mucho que visitemos Frigiliana, nunca deja de sorprendernos el encanto de este precioso pueblo blanco andaluz


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C/ Rodeo, 5 - 29018 Málaga - Spain
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