Totally tailor-made courses can be the ideal solution for a variety of different language learning needs and situations. Typical amongst these can be:
• Business and professional people needed Spanish for specific purposes and sometimes in an accelerated manner – see below
• Students needing preparation for a specific exam – see below
Business and professional people
People needing Spanish for their work, sometimes need tailor-made, “one-to-one” courses as their needs, timeframe or mind-set don’t suit a standard course. They may need Spanish for the following types of purpose:
• Socialising with clients
• Technical Spanish for legal, medical or engineering purposes
• Spanish for Diplomacy, Business or Academia
While it should be remembered that our teachers are Teachers of Spanish and not lawyers, doctors or business people, these needs can be covered in 1-1 classes. The client will provide technical in-put while our teachers will help enable the participant to communicate in his/her field in Spanish.
It could also be the case that a busy professional person only has a short time available to make substantial progress and needs the intensity of 1-1 teaching to meet his/her objectives within their timeframe.
More frequently people think that they need only 1-1 teaching when, in fact, their needs can best be served improving their general Spanish and, perhaps adding some 1-1 classes for the specific areas not covered in the standard class. Considering that outside summer, the average age of our clients is well over 30, you can see that a group class plus some 1-1 is a feasible option. This also helps you to meet other participants during the group classes which enhances the overall quality of your experience and especially helps in social and professional networking.
If you feel that 1-1 tuition or a standard Intensive course plus 1-1 is what you need please complete our Professional Questionnaire and level test and send them to us with as much information as ossible about your needs, objectives and time available. We will then provide suggestions for your tailor-made programme.
Specific Exam preparation
Students often need fast, intensive and specific preparation for exams. You might need to improve specific areas of grammar (which can be identified by our level test), you may need to improve your speaking skills for an oral component.
The types of course that these students can take are:
• An Intensive course +1-1 lessons: contact us with your detailed needs and objectives.